ARDL - Home
400 Aviation Drive
P.O. Box 1566
Mt. Vernon, IL  62864
Phone: 618-244-3235
Fax: 618-244-1149
Decades of Experience
Established in 1971
ARDL Organic Laboratory
ARDL stands ready to employ state of the art equipment and facilities for characterizing the organic chemicals present in samples of water, soil and a wide range of other materials.  Standard preparative and analytical methods approved by the EPA and other regulatory bodies as well as custom procedures developed in our laboratories or by clients are employed routinely.  A partial list of those most often requested by clients appears below. To view a comprehensive list of the equipment available for performance of the methods, click here.

Method 8260 (USEPA, SW-846)


Method 8270 (USEPA, SW-846)

Determination of volatile organic components by gas chromatography mass spectrometry.   Preparation of samples for analysis is matrix dependent.  Methods 5030 and 5035 are the procedure used for waters and soils, respectively.
Determination of base-neutral semivolatile organic components by gas chromatography mass spectrometry.   Preparation of samples for analysis is matrix dependent. Of the several approved methods currently in use, 3510 and 3550 are the procedures most often requested for waters and soils, respectively.

Method 8081 (USEPA, SW-846)

Method 8082 (USEPA, SW-846)
Determination of organochlorine pesticides using gas chromatography , electron capture detector.  Extracts of soil samples are routinely treated with Gel Permeation Cleanup prior to analysis.  Dependent on circumstances, extracts of water samples may be treated similarly.
Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using gas chromatography , electron capture detector.  Extracts of soil samples are routinely treated with Gel Permeation Cleanup prior to analysis.  Dependent on circumstances, extracts of water samples my be treated similarly.

Method 8330 / 8321 (USEPA, SW-846)

Determination of explosives and explosive residues (nitroaromatics and nitramines) by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC and LCMSMS) .     

Nelac Certified
PJLA Dod-ELAP Accreditated
Test Everything - Keep the Good